Specialized Network Security Analysis techniques including suspicious data traffic reconstruction and viewing techniques.
Network performance analysis and Security threat recognition for a variety of network performance issues, network attack and exploit scenarios including network reconnaissance techniques, Bot-Net threat recognition as well as common user protocol issues including IP related Protocols (IP(v4/v6) / DHCP (v4/v6), TCP/SCTP, DNS/DNSsec, ICMP(v4 /v6), Email Protocols (POP / SMTP / IMAP) and other, common Internet based User Protocols (HTTP, VoIP, IRC, IM). Advanced Network and Security Analysis methodologies. This official Wireshark University course will provide the student with a set of investigate and analysis techniques focusing on the use of vendor-neutral, Open-Source Tools such as Wireshark to provide insight into the following areas:
Network and Security Analysis encompasses the skills of not only capturing data, but also the ability to discern unusual patterns hidden within seemingly normal network traffic.